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Women in Institutional Investments Network (WIIIN) was founded on the principle of women supporting one another and helping each other to navigate and advance in the institutional investment industry. What started informally among a group of friends has blossomed into a vibrant and impactful 501(c)3 non-profit focused on the personal and professional development of underrepresented groups in institutional investing.

Lara Clarke (founding co-president) and Heather Beatty (founding co-president) along with Maisie Short (founding secretary) and Sarah Barlup (founding treasurer) formalized their commitment to creating a safe and inclusive environment for women to engage in educational and networking endeavors by co-founding WIIIN in September 2014. At that time, the founders thought success might mean attracting 20 members.

Today, the organization stands at 350+ members employed by plan sponsors, investment managers, and investment consultants across Southern California. The founders have been humbled by the generosity of our corporate sponsors and the passion and dedication of WIIIN’s now 12-member Board and multiple volunteer-led committees. Despite the tremendous growth since its founding, WIIIN has remained true to its founding principle of women supporting one another in pursuit of a more equitable and representative investment industry and looks forward to continuing to share in the success and advancement of its members and supporters.


Women in Institutional Investments Network - WIIN

Contact Us

1920 Hillhurst Avenue, #1243
Los Angeles, CA 90027
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